Course curriculum

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    Course Outline

    • PDF Course Download Link

    • Description

    • Learning Objectives

    • Course Sections/Outline

    • Introduction

    • MS: The Three Major Disease Courses

    • Medical Regimens Associated with MS

    • The Picture of Depression in MS

    • Diagnosis and Assessment of Depression

    • Treatment of Depression in the MS Context

    • Other Mood Disorders in the MS Context

    • Diagnosis and Assessment of Cognitive Deficits Associated with MS

    • Treatment of Cognitive Dysfunction in MS Patients

    • Depression and Cognition Deficits: The MS Interaction

    • Impact on Family and Caregivers

    • Summary

    • References

    • Post-Test: Helping Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients Manage Their Psychosocial and Cognitive Symptoms

    • Program Evaluation