About this course
Health-related behaviors such as poor nutrition, lack of exercise, smoking, excess sun exposure, abuse of alcohol and substances, inadequate stress management, and disturbances in sleep are increasingly being linked to rates of morbidity and mortality. To illustrate, consider that the latest medical research suggests that one third of cancers are caused by controllable lifestyle factors. Mind-Body Bridging, developed by Stanley Block, M.D., is a branch of Mind-Body Medicine that is being well received by both providers and patients as a blueprint for facilitating the adoption and maintenance of health-related behavior change. Mind-Body Bridging techniques enable patients to tap into and constructively override their potentially maladaptive Identity System (I-System), an internal and often unconscious negative feedback loop that automatically maintains a “disconnect” between one’s internal affective state (e.g., historic “story lines”) and the current, external situational demands (e.g., the present/the moment). Mind-Body Bridging has been shown to be efficacious in short circuiting these potentially maladaptive patterns driven by the I-System in a variety of patient populations such as perpetrators/victims of domestic violence, as well as patients with ADHD, chronic pain, depression and anxiety, and more recently, PTSD. Among the benefits of this technique is its rapid effectiveness and resultant enthusiastic acceptance among patients. This online CE course will provide an introduction to the fundamental principle of Mind-Body Bridging, an overview of the relevant literature and a discussion of its powerful experiential aspects and applications for healthcare providers. In addition, an outline for a 3-session Mind-Body Bridging protocol to promote health-related lifestyle change and wellness is provided for use in a variety of clinical settings in both individual and group formats.
Course Specific Approvals and Disclosures
HealthForum Online is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. HealthForum Online maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
HealthForum Online has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7185. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. HealthForum Online is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Florida Board of Psychology as a Board Approved Provider, provider approval # 50-29605.
HealthForum Online has been approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board as an Educational provider, provider approval #50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling as a Board Approved Provider, provider approval # 50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Arkansas Board of Nursing as a Board Approved Provider, provider approval # 50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the District of Columbia Board of Nursing as a Board Approved Provider, provider approval # 50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Florida Board of Nursing and Certified Nursing Assistant as a Board Approved Provider, provider approval # 50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Georgia Board of Nursing as a provider of professional continuing education for health care professionals, provider approval #50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing as a provider with courses approved by another state board of nursing, provider approval #50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the Mississippi Board of Nursing as a provider of professional continuing education for health care professionals, provider approval #50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the New Mexico Board of Nursing as a provider with courses approved by another state board of nursing, provider approval #50-29605.
HealthForum Online is approved by the North Dakota Board of Nursing as a provider with courses approved by a healthcare regulatory board, provider approval #50-29605.

HealthForum Online is approved by the South Carolina Board of Nursing as a provider with courses approved by another state board of nursing, provider approval #50-29605.
The presenter and all members of the planning team have disclosed that they have no relevant financial commercial relationships to products or devices related to the content of this educational activity. Wherever possible, generic or non-proprietary names of medication have been used. Courses include expert peer reviews of the content where applicable.